Corporate Structure

With a diversified vanadium product portfolio serving the needs of the steel, energy, and chemical sectors, we participate in the entire vanadium value chain through two main pillars:

Bushveld Vanadium

Bushveld Vanadium is one of the world's largest primary vanadium miners and processors – vertically integrated and proudly South African.

Bushveld Energy

Bushveld Energy is an energy storage provider – developing power projects including vanadium redox flow batteries, solar, wind and other clean technologies.

Bushveld Minerals Core Assets

Vanadium Mining:

Bushveld Vanadium

  • Three large, high-grade, primary vanadium assets and JORC-compliant resource base 546 Mt (100% basis), including 75 Mt (100% basis) of JORC-compliant reserves
  • Well-serviced, with logistics infrastructure

Vanadium Processing:

Bushveld Vanadium

  • Owns two of the world's four operating primary vanadium production processing facilities
  • Flexible & Scalable

Bushveld Minerals Assets Map

1:  Vametco

Mine & Processing Facility

  • Life of Mine:  >30 Years of Ore Reserves

2:  Vanchem

Processing Facility

3:  Mokopane


  • Mining Right:  30 Years, Executed in January 2020
  • JORC-Compliant 298 Mt Resource, Including 28,5 Mt Reserves with Grades of 1,75% V2O5 In-Magnetite